Thursday, September 27, 2018

4:00 routine busted

I love The Ellen Show.  It just makes me happy to watch it.  I love the silly dancing, Ellen's sense of humor, her compassion for humankind, and that she ends each show by saying "be kind to one another".  I look forward to it at 4:00 each day.  Today is no different....except it's NOT ON!  Cause the stupid senate judiciary hearing is on.  UGH.  Can't we leave that to the news channels so the rest of us who DON'T want to watch it all go down can still have the bright spot in our day?
Apparently, no.

So, i'm bummed about that.  Not a major life event or anything, but a bummer nonetheless.

It's Thursday.  I went yesterday and got some IV nausea meds and fluids in an effort to, well, not feel nauseated and stay hydrated.  The problem is that just going to the oncology center and getting hooked up to an IV makes me feel nauseated.  I don't care how much anti-nausea stuff they're giving me...i still feel sick.
I'm scheduled to go back tomorrow, but I'm choosing not to go.  I think i am better off staying home and trying to drink more water (still a struggle) and use the anti-nausea pills I have (which, btw, are not the best.  project for next dr visit). Nausea is such a mental monster. I really don't like it.
I wish the whole drinking liquids thing wasn't such an issue.  I don't know why it is exactly.  Something about drinking makes me feel...well...bleah. OJ seems to go down okay sometimes.  And I'm trying popsicles as well. If I had any luck picking a good watermelon I'd probably eat the whole thing.

My other issue is still in full force, unfortunately.

I received a bunch of cards in the mail today.  I so appreciate everyone sending cards/notes and letting me know they are thinking of me and praying for me.


1 comment:

  1. Love me some Ellen too....and popsicles and watermelon! �� praying the nausea subsides soon! Any luck with lemon water or ginger tea? I'm sure you've tried everything under the sun! Hugs lady!!
