Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Late night Thank you notes

Ever watch jimmy Fallon?  I don’t stay up late enough, but thankfully they put clips on you tube so I can watch some of it during the day. I think he’s so funny and really good at his job. Anyway, he does a thing called “thank you notes” - and that’s where this comes from. 

Dear chemo drugs,
I really REALLY hope you are doing you job in there and fighting  like crazy to kill all of the cancer that has decided to set up shop in my body. Seriously. I have so much hope in you. I desperately need you to fight HARD and win. I pray for you all the time. 
In the meantime, you are definitely kicking my ass out here. But if that’s what it takes - keep up the hard work.  

Dear anti nausea meds,
 I would appreciate it if you would start working any time now. I mean, you have one job - as stated on your label: to prevent nausea and vomiting. I’m sure you are up against something pretty powerful, but I hope you aren’t just giving up! I could use some help out here.

Dear trident gum, 
Wow. I’m so glad I had you on my nightstand tonight!  This taste in my mouth so awful! But you are killing it! You are also giving me something to chew on which is helping to keep my mind off of things. Thank you!

Dear brain, 
Okay there. I think I got it all out. Could you just “turn off” for awhile so I can get some sleep?  It’s late, I’m tired, and if I’m asleep I can’t feel how awful I feel. 
Please and thank you. 


  1. Dear God,
    Thank you for my friend, Sarah. She REALLY appreciates you, but she needs for you to stop being the "nice guy" and instead turn into the bully. I realize you may say that some are doing their job and others are trying to do their job...but hey, you are the boss! Please just get in there and take over! No one will complain or get their feelings hurt. It's all good, believe me, you have the green light.
    Sincerely, one friend (of many)

  2. Praying today is a better day & body functions better:) Miss seeing your smiling face & your style of POUND! Pound that cancer into the ground! Glad you got to get out over weekend & see boys have fun! Angie
