Wednesday, September 19, 2018

2nd time around

So, 10 years ago I found it helpful to have a blog.  It helped me to get out all my thoughts and feelings - like a diary of sorts.  It was also an easy way for people to check in and see how I was doing (or at least i think it was).  Also, I don't want to flood FB with a ton of long updates.  This way if someone is curious they can check here and it doesn't have to be all over my FB page.  Lets save that for pictures and funny stuff.

So just a quick update....
i had my first chemo treatment last week. Monday was a long day of sitting in oncology.  Each medicine they give me takes time, and there are quite a few to go through. Typically it will take about 4-5 hours each time. Once those meds are finished, I get hooked up to a pump that I take home. The medicine is called 5FU (yep) and it is a slow drip.  Takes 46 hours to administer. I hate the damn pump. I hate the smell of the tape that keeps the port access covered. The thought of it makes me get queezy. In any case, over the course of the 46 hours i was super nauseated, became severely dehydrated and malnurished.  By the time the pump came off on Wednesday I was barely able to walk on my own and could hardly talk above a whisper. The oncology nurse had me lie in a bed and hooked me up to fluids. After a trip to the ER for some heart concerns, I was admitted and ended up staying 2 nights. Lucky for me, we have a fantastic hospital. Great nurses and an amazing on-call doc. By the time I left Friday morning, I was much better.

NOW - i am looking toward next monday (treatment day) with a little trepidation.  Not looking forward to the pump at all.  Hoping we can get a plan to keep me hydrated and avoid another hospital visit. Fingers crossed.

I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the kindess of SO many people. I'm in tears daily. The support of so many...the PRAYERS of so many.  It's amazing. ❤️


  1. Thanks for the update. I vote for no more weeks like that.

  2. Thank you for sharing with us-I’m hoping that this Monday’s treatment goes much more smoothly. And 5FU? I guess FU is fitting, right? But That’s about 999,995 FU’s short of how many FU’s I want to sling about this crappy cancer. Thinking of you daily. I’m praying for a better week-love you. Niki

  3. I'm so sorry it didnt go well....
    Cancer is stupid. But you are 1 strong Mama-mama and will kick cancer's arse!!!

    1. Sorry not sure how to add my name. Its Pam A.

  4. But WE can flood your blog with comments right? I am so thrilled you have an army of people praying for you. Hang in there, I will continue to pray for you and hope next Monday goes much better.

    1. My profile name didn't show up...its Amanda Damewood by the way

  5. Thanks for sharing Sarah. Here’s Praying that Monday goes well

  6. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers and all the air hugs you can stand your way. Hoping this next time around goes much more smoothly.

  7. Well I promise to never complain about Mondays again!! I like the FU and feel like with a name like that, it will kick ass! I pray that your amazing care takers can figure out how to tweak things so you don’t suffer again! Hang in there girlie!!! Positive JuJu sent your way!! ❤️ Katie Jane

  8. Thank you for sharing, I’d seen love ones in past going through this, and I don’t want to be annoying asking you how you feel or how are you doing, because I’m sure lots of people that care a love you will do it all the time, and I just want you get over all of this on victory and the sun keep shining in your life, I also want to see you again walking your dog and with husband when I’m trying to catch up with Angel while we are jogging lol, 💕 😂 , right now doesn’t feel as good running around the lake because somehow I kind of expect to be able to wave on you because barely I can’t breathe and says 3 words. But just to let you know; I got in to the 🏃🏽‍♀️ jogging thing because of you, in one of those biggest loser challenge you said : Do it because you can!, do it because there are to many people that can’t do it, they may no have the health to do it, some people may be laying in their couch’s because is their choice but we can choose to move, walk, run, come to classes.... and of course you said that to the team but you got me thinking.. i now i love it. And I called you out warrior and Wonder Woman because your super powers. I’m not the fastest person but i surely enjoy every step, the pain, and the relief of it. ❤️ I’ll keep praying for you and you family, and I’ll bring more of the green juice 😅💗🤗food medicine/healing food,

  9. Hugs, lots of love, and many daily thoughts and prayers friend.

  10. I pray and think of you so often that you would think we were dating or you are my first crush! ❤️ I hope all the love, prays, and strength is with you Monday and all of next week. Continue to fight Sarah D! ❤️ Melea

  11. Hang in there, sister! Prayers for peace, comfort and healing will continue.

  12. Hoping this week is better than the last!! Thinking about you daily! Love you,

  13. God Bless You Girl! I have a friend that says "Think puppy dog tails and unicorns" when having a rough time. Praying for you & all your family:)

  14. Prayers for an easier week . Stay strong , love ya
