Monday, March 25, 2019

I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart

I survived another round of chemo...and what should be my last round of chemo for a while! I struck a deal with my oncologist up at mayo for only 4 rounds as opposed to the original 8 he had requested. next appointments aren't until the end of April and i'm not sure he knew how long of a break there would be, so i'm avoiding contact with him cause i don't want to draw attention to that fact and possibly have him change his mind.  :)
And, i really need a break from chemo.
I plan to keep up with the carrot juice and push more vegetables and fruit as well. Hoping to kill it with nutrition. Vegetables are hard....just sayin.

This week i am heading to CHICAGO!! I'm very excited. There are a couple things going on...

1. Tyler and Sammy are going on a music trip and performing with the choir at Shed Aquarium. They had their choir concert last thursday....chemo I couldn't go.  Big bummer for me cause I love the choir concert every year.
2. A group of high school friends were wanting to try to get together.  One of those friends actually lives in i suggested that maybe we could all go to Chicago for a girls weekend - with the added bonus that I would be able to go watch the boys perform. And these crazy amazing friends of mine were ALL IN. Talk about your heart feeling like it could explode.

Soooo....a couple of us are driving Wednesday and others are flying in Thursday for what I anticipate being a really. fun. weekend. And I get to see the boys perform! Thankful doesn't touch the surface.

Meanwhile, the weather is finally starting to shape up a bit. The warmer temps got me out of the house last week on a glorious walk with one of my nearest and dearest who lives oh so far away. I love her
And last night one of my most favorite things happened....a stream of boys started arriving at our house to play "league" basketball. Watching them play and listening to them interact and having them come into the house to grab a drink and maybe chat a bit....i can't tell you how much i LOVE it. They all came in to watch the end of the Duke/UCF game (which was quite a finish!). So fun having them all in the family room reacting and cheering and talking about brackets.  I am so lucky that my boys have such amazing friends. joy joy joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace as you trust in Him, so that you  may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.           Romans 15:13


  1. "And I'm so happy, so very happy" get a break from chemo and get to enjoy an amazing trip to Chicago spent with dear friends and see your boys perform!!

    In reference to "league"...the memories our boys have will be life-long. Someday they will tell their boys the many hours spent at the Dvergsten's and always a welcome "hello" from you. Thank you for providing that for them!

    ..."down in my heart to stay"...❤️

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