Monday, April 8, 2019

post Chicago

Chicago was PERFECT. It really was a perfect trip. I got to see the boys twice - watched Tyler sing at Shed Aquarium and then spent the day with them at the Museum of Science and Industry. Was so great to be in Chicago with them. I cried (twice!) during the Shed performance.  Just became completely overwhelmed with the beautiful music and the fact that I was THERE listening to it! And then they finished with Battle Hymn, which always makes me cry.

The rest of the time was spent with a crazy amazing FUN group of friends from high school.  Some of whom I haven't seen or talked to in years! We talked and talked and laughed and cried and talked and time had not passed. I can't wait to see them all again so I can just soak them all in....listen to them, laugh with them, and BE with them. Really....perfect.

The boys also had a great trip with the music department.  They did so many fun things.  I'm glad they had the opportunity to go.

And now i'm back and LOVING this break from chemo.  I nervously e-mailed my oncologist just to make sure that this big ol break was okay with him. He first responded that the other Dr might want to do a couple rounds of one of the drugs before I head back up there. He e-mailed later that he had checked with Dr Yoon and that they decided that this break was okay.


I am beyond thrilled to NOT be doing chemo for the next few weeks.  I've been exercising a bit more and just enjoying not being sick. I'm looking forward to prom this coming weekend (and Sammy's birthday) and Easter the following weekend.

Then, we head back up to Rochester for a slew of appointments. We will be there for an entire week (UGH). Should know what the next steps are after that week.
Continued prayers for clear scans and good results are very much appreciated.

I'm still "on the juice"....carrot juice!  Drinking my 40oz daily - with a few breaks every now and then cause, well, that's a lot of carrot juice.
Getting in more vegetables is still a challenge.  Why is it so dang hard for me to eat more veggies?!  I'll continue to work on it.

Otherwise, i'm continuing to enjoy all the little things. Napping almost daily, reading the Bible and a couple other books, trying to keep up with housework, spending time with friends and family, enjoying the to sit outside yesterday and watch the boys play some spring baseball.  I love spring relaxed and fun to watch.
Thankful for all of these blessings.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever.     Psalm 107:1

1 comment:

  1. It was THE BEST weekend I have had in a long time :). I can't wait to see our "professional photos"!!!

    I'm super excited for you and your chemo-free month!! I think about you and pray for you daily, Sarah. And yes, our next get-together NEEDS to happen SOON! Love you :)
