Wednesday, February 27, 2019


I read this book recently called "Curing Cancer with Carrots".  It's very short - quick read - and really fascinating. It's written my a woman who had colon cancer - had surgery to remove it - and then it spread to 2 tumors  between her lungs.  She resisted and then refused to do chemotherapy, and came across a man who had "cured" his own cancer by drinking carrot juice.  She contacted him and decided to give it a try (she also did a bunch of research).
Anyway, she juiced 5lbs of carrots every day.  It's about 40 oz of carrot juice.  She did this for about 3 months, and her tumors shrank and went away. (same with the man mentioned above...tumors disappeared and he's been cancer free for over 6 years)
I was intrigued.

I contacted my dr up at Mayo to see what the risk would be of me maybe taking a chemo break and trying out this carrot theory.  He called me back and we had a discussion about the whole thing.  He cautioned me against stopping chemo.  I asked WHY.  Why do I have to have more chemo when the tumor (seemingly) isn't responding? Its just staying right where it is?  He said that the PET scan they did this last time showed that there aren't a lot of "viable" cells within the tumor, or anywhere else.  Not having a PET scan to compare it to makes assumptions difficult, but he believes the chemo is killing the cancer cells and doesn't want to risk stopping the chemo and having some rogue cells take up residence somewhere else in my body - thus eliminating the possibility of surgery.
However, he also isn't opposed to me trying this carrot deal (and trying to clean up my diet in general). He can't really "recommend" it to me since there aren't a lot of clinical trials or research backing the idea.  But I told him "if i'm willing to flood my body with poison (chemo), then why wouldn't I try flooding it with nutrients?"  He agreed.  He also agreed that the medical field doesn't do a very good job of incorporating diet information into their treatment plans and said they need to do better in that regard.

All of this to say - i started drinking carrot juice yesterday.   I borrowed my neighbors juicer and bought my first 5lb bag of carrots. Bought another 5lbs this morning and am almost done with my "5 glasses" for the day (5 lbs of carrots = about 40oz of juice = 5 8oz glasses).  Not gonna lie...I'm not good with having to drink stuff, so this is a challenge. I just have to keep picturing my tumor shrinking - mind over matter. I will have to take a break during chemo since i get so sick, but am hoping the extra nutrients i get from all the juice will do me some good (and holy cow if it starts to shrink this tumor wouldn't that be freaking awesome?!!).
I also started reading "Chris beat Cancer". Another person who fought his cancer battle without chemo - but with diet changes.  I'm making an effort to eat mostly clean, but admittedly i'm not very good at it. Why can't Doritos be a clean food?  I will give myself some wiggle room...  :)

Oh - side effect of lots of carrot juice is that my skin may start to appear a little orange. I'm hoping it will just look "sun kissed".

Chemo starts up again tomorrow.  Not looking forward to it.  That's all i'm gonna say about that.

Deuteronomy is proving to be almost as challenging as Numbers. I feel kind of guilty for looking ahead and thinking maybe i'll just skip the rest of this book (not that Joshua looks a whole lot better). Any advice on this topic (reading the Bible) would be appreciated.

Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Matthew 22:37-39


  1. Sarah-these blogs are very helpful for those of us who love you and want to follow your difficult journey but find it hard to ask. It’s beautiful to hear your journey is nurturing your relationship with God...we all should strive for that in our daily lives. I feel touched reading the Scriptures that you’re posting and the comments from loved ones. I hope to see that orange skin of yours and reports of a shrunken tumor very soon! Continuing to pray for you and your family. Keep on attaining knowledge. ❤️

  2. So I have a friend, more like an acquaintance (fb) and she is highly invinvlov with holistic health and clean eating. It's intriguing. I know I should do a better job for myself and for Kyle's diabetes & Addison disease. She has mentioned "Medical Medium" more than once through her posts. Take it for a grain of salts or embrace it but thought I would share. She is currently celery juicing. Sounds similar to carrot drinking so if you want to switch things up? :) *Disclaimer: I have not read this nor know if it is practical, legit and/or good. No pun intended: food for thought! :)
    Love ya chica! Many hugs & prayers

  3. I second what misty said regarding your blog posts! So thankful for the updates! I love being able to pray specific prayers and I like knowing your chemo schedule.
    No pressure though 😉

    I like drinking green smoothies but haven’t added carrots before. I’m going to give it a shot. Praying the change in diet will make changes in your tumor!
