Hello dear friends. I hope you are all in the midst of celebrating the holidays with those you love most. I've never really taken the time to really think about all that goes on around Christmas - but now that i'm sitting here with nothing else to do I'm finding it quite interesting the things that are coming to mind.
I've always loved Christmas. In my family it always ranks as our "favorite holiday" (beating the 4th of July by a narrow margin). I love to bake and eat cookies so that comes in handy this time of year. I hate decorating, but for some reason I love to "deck" my house for Christmas. I love looking at Christmas lights...and am a total dork about it when I see people's houses all lit up. Even though i'm not the best at it, I love to give people gifts. I love my great grandma's peanut brittle - and this is the only time of year that my family makes it (including me), making it all the more special. I love sitting in the family room at night with the Christmas tree all lit up. I love Christmas cards that come in the mail - a tradition i hope doesn't get completely killed by social media. And mostly I love spending time with my family - eating dinner, playing games, watching TV, etc.
Growing up, my grandparents (my mother's parents) had this great tradition of doing an "open house". I believe it was on Christmas Eve. We didn't get to be there every year, and I'm not exactly sure how the tradition started, but what I do remember was a basement full of grown ups. My grandma hung decorations from the ceiling with a mistletoe hanging right in the center of the room (look out!). They had a bar and my grandpa would be behind it. I can remember as a child clinging to my mother's side and saying hello to my grandparents friends and neighbors....but also my extended family. My great aunts and uncles would be there, as would my mom's cousins and siblings. My cousins would be there too, so inevitably we would all go upstairs to get away from all of those grown ups. My husband is always amazed at how "far" I know my family; meaning that i not only have relationships with my moms siblings and their kids, but I also knew my grandmas siblings and their kids (and their kids!). The Christmas open house is part of the reason why and i'm so thankful for it.
Christmas Day was reserved for "immediate" family, and i'm sure it's similar to what many of you remember growing up: grown ups hanging out in one area of the house and kids hanging out in another. Once dinner was ready the grown ups sat at the "grown up table", and the kids at the "kid table". Definitely some of my favorite memories with my cousins...sitting at the kids table in the basement. My grandma didn't have a dishwasher, so after dinner it was all hands on deck for cleaning dishes. Once that was done it was time for gifts...and then the BEST part of my Christmas memories: music. My grandparents had a player piano and an organ in their basement (yes..and a bar. it was a pretty fantastic place!). To begin, my mom would be at the piano, and my grandma at the organ and they would play from a Christmas song book and my aunts, uncles, cousins, would all stand around them and sing. We would get through the entire book. And, of course...that wasn't enough, so my grandma would get out the "scrolls" for the piano and we would sing some more! Generally a grand finale of the Hallelujah Chorus that was always very entertaining. After all that you would think that the night would be over, but I know i never wanted it to end and I don't think anyone else did either, so the cards and games would come out. Precious wonderful memories. I am so blessed with the love of FAMILY.
So why am i sitting here at 1am writing about all of this...what's all this got to do with anything? I'm not exactly sure. For some reason I went to bed and woke up about an hour later and became completely overwhelmed with emotion. I couldn't stop crying. I got up, washed my face, tried to lie back down and...more tears. I decided I needed to get some things "out" and that's what this blog is for so here i am.
I think i'm struck by the perplexity of Christmas. On the one hand, there is what I described above: Joy and happiness and family and love. But for many there is also sadness. I have a friend who will be celebrating her first Christmas without her mother...and how strange that must be to be in this happy, joyous time of year and to also be filled with grief. And i know she is not alone in that feeling. I think my family (my parents and siblings) is also walking a tightrope of emotions this year as well. Our original plan was to celebrate the weekend after Christmas, but with my chemo schedule everyone had to make a quick change of plans. We will be together the day after Christmas - but they will need to get back to their homes that night so it will be shortened a bit. Not the lingering-not wanting it to end-hanging out til the wee hours playing cards/games- that it usually is. And there will be a sadness that we are all carrying with us these days, even though i'm sure we will try to bury it down deep for the day.
And it's been different for me personally. I didn't do any baking this year. With my stomach pain, I just can't stand that long. And while most people are "oofing" and "ughing" over how much they've eaten already this season, I'm sad that my appetite isn't what it once was. I would love to be able to eat so many cookies that I was just miserable! In so many ways everything is different because "i just can't" because of the pain. And that makes me sad.
There. I got to the bottom of the tears. I knew I needed to sit here and get this all out.
The next 3 days will be filled with Christmas. There will be traditions. There will be family. I so desperately want to be able to just enjoy every minute. To soak up all the love and happiness. To go to church. To eat delicious food and play games and cards and hopefully a little piano too.
Merry Christmas.
So much love to you!! Lots of prayers for strength !!
ReplyDeleteI loved spending time at grandpa's and grandma's at Christmas! You described it perfectly! ! And boy,....when we got to the hallelujah chorus later in the night.....WATCH OUT!!!
Merry Christmas Sarah!
Christmas was a magical time. Still is, just different. What I love most is seeing my kids get to experience it and knowing (hoping) that they’ll have these memories similar to the ones I have from when I was a kid. And yes, the music! It’s why I belt out all the songs at our Christmas Eve church service. My kids smile, laugh, and sing along next to me (just not as loud). Sometimes I think we must have been the luckiest kids alive.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you! I'm so glad we got to see each other last week (Go Hawks!) I have been thinking of you all week. Usually I am home for Christmas Eve and I love the ever brief hello and hug after church service that has been tradition for us :) Know we are thinking of you, praying for you, and wishing we could take your tears and pain away. May you feel Gods love this Christmas season! ❤ many hugs
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ReplyDeleteYou captured things well. Our house was always "yust nuts at Chrismas" and I've talked about Mom & Dad's Open House to many people over the years who just looked and me like "Uh, OK...that sounds 'interesting'." When we were kids we used to get together with Mom's family (Jackie and Billie) and all our cousins on Christmas Eve and it was no less nuts (and which is likely why you know your extended family so well). When you all came along we had to peel off because the Rubel clan was getting too big for one house. I loved it too and as I sit here on a quiet Christmas morning I'm happy to remember all of that and sad that those days have passed, but also so grateful for them. Things change and yet somehow stay the same. I'm hoping you're having as good a Christmas as you can have. Push through the pain as best you can and know that your entire giant family is with you. Keep that in front of you and let it distract you often, not just at Christmas. I think of you and ask God to be with you through this every day. John 1:5 - "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." Merry Christmas. Love you, Thom
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! Sarah, you captured the memories from Grama and Gramp’s beautifully. I still remember what the cover to the Christmas carol book looked like and the excitement it would bring. The bar, cigar smoke, snoopy sheets, cribbage games, and how the voices carried through the basement vent to the dormer are memories that are so vivid in my brain I think sometimes they are happening in real time. What fun it was! I hope your Christmas with the family was wonderful-I loved watching the pics and videos on Facebook. Wishing for some relief in your pain and that this next round of chemo goes well. You are never far from my thoughts-Holiday blessings to you, Ben and the boys. ❤️ Niki