Well, as it turns out, Mother Nature had other plans the night of the dinner/dance - cancelled due to snow and ice. Bummer. Thankfully, I have great neighbors and a family room big enough to dance in. And that's all I'm gonna say about that. :)
As most of you probably know from my Facebook post we made the trip to Mayo. It is a humbling place to be for sure. I was reduced to tears as we waited for our seats for dinner by the number of people who are being wheeled around in wheel chairs. The reality of that place and the reason people are there is hard. And there are so. many. people there. Heartbreaking.
We (Ben, my sister Mia and I) spent a lot of time in a little room waiting for the doctors. We met with a Fellow first, and then met with him and the oncologist. Both good doctors with lots of questions. One of the questions the Fellow asked was why I was there? The response that immediately came into my head (but not out of my mouth) was, "because i don't want to die and i'm hoping you can save me". Oof.
So, the news wasn't great. The tumor hasn't changed....which really sucks cause the chemo sure has been kicking my ass! I was hoping it was kicking the tumor's ass as well. I tend to focus on the negative here...the tumor hasn't shrunk. But if you want to look on the bright side...the tumor hasn't gotten any bigger either.
They want to try a different chemo regimen. It would involve a new medication (a variation of a medication i reacted to earlier) and a more intense schedule. They would like me to try 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Knowing how sick i get, this is pretty daunting for me. They are reducing (slightly) the amount of one of the meds and are hoping that maybe it will result in my not being quite as sick. Also might try a couple new nausea meds (fingers crossed). They are hoping this new med combo along with the intense schedule might work to shrink the tumor. If it turns out that I just can't tolerate the meds for that long, they will back off to the every other week schedule i'm on now.
There is an ever-so-slight chance of surgery. They talked to a surgeon who told them that normally, he would not consider doing surgery. They do this kind of thing for pancreatic cancer patients, but not for metastatic colon cancer. However, because I am so young and in decent shape, he will consider it. Of course there is an IF... they want me to have a PET/CT scan (which I would have to do up there). IF it comes back clean, then he would consider surgery. However, if it shows there is "disease" other places in my body, then he will not consider it. They also really need the tumor to shrink. He mentioned the possibility of radiation, but it was just a brief comment so I'm not really sure on that. He also made it a point to tell me more than once that regardless...the surgery is VERY high risk.
There you have it.
The news of the unchanged tumor and of more chemo sent me into a downward spiral. It was a tough couple of days following the appointment. I'm feeling a little better, mentally, today. I'm having abdominal pain again, which is irritating (and painful). However, I'm ready to jump into this fight again. Get chemo started and hope and pray that the tumor responds to the new med.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone praying so hard for me and my family. If you ever think "i wish there was something I could do"....send up a prayer.
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ReplyDeleteSending prayers and lots of love.
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers for you and your family. Hugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteLots of love and prayers Sarah!
ReplyDeleteLots and lots of prayers
ReplyDeleteBoeckman family will continue lifting you and your family up in prayer!
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ReplyDeleteBelieve me, there is a constant busy signal with the big guy upstairs! If a light went off every time a prayer was said, the while community of Storm Lake would be aglow! And so many others from around other places are praying as well. We cld connect the dots with all the lights! 😊
ReplyDeleteI pray you feel the love we are all giving. ❤️
Prayers ongoing with positive vibes❤️
ReplyDeleteLots and lots and LOTS of positive thoughts, mega amounts of prayers, and mucho love, Sarah!! ❤
Pulling for you and saying lots of prayers, Sarah!! 💪🏼🙏🏼💪🏼🙏🏼 -Shannon S.
ReplyDeleteYou know what's kind of amazing (and a bit wonderful)? The way that we (well mainly you right now), even in the midst of suck-y news and crappy chemo, are able to rise to a new day, thank God for it, and begin the battle again. I admire your honesty and frankness, I admire your willingness to share all of this with us, and I truly admire your decision to give this thing all you've got! Life and love are too good not to fight for. And God is with you in the middle of it all, and with Ben, your boys, parents, sibs (aunts, uncles, and cousins too), and friends! It's a new day, a new week...hope it's a blessed one for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the details, Sarah. Heard from you Mom but not to this degree! I'm sorry that @#$% chemo didn't shrink the tumor, but I'm thankful there is a plan & you're up for it! How long with that course be? Tough over the holidays TBS. We send love and wishes for healing, strength of all and gratitude that the tumor didn't grow or spread! <3 joan
ReplyDeletePraying as always. Keep fighting! Love you heaps schweetie!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you all daily, sending prayers. Love you. Niki
ReplyDeleteYou are SO freaking amazing, girl. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I’m not so great at keeping up with social media (aka my 3 year FB hiatus) but know you are always close to my heart. Take care of you.