Christmas was amazing. Fun celebrations with family - just couldn't ask for more. (and yes...there was singing!) I'm thankful for every moment spent with my siblings, parents, in-laws, kids, and husband.
Kids headed back to school this week, so things are getting a bit more "normal" around here. I was ready for them to quit playing so much X-box, that's for sure. I'm still trying to get the house back - always seems to take a while to recover from the stuff that takes over during the holidays.
I'm 3 treatments in on my 4-on, 2-off plan. #4 is tomorrow. To say i'm dreading it is a severe understatement. The nausea seems to be hanging on this time...still struggling with it. But a lot of it is mental. I can't even look at the piece of paper that has my appointment information on it without feeling sick.
Talking about treatments makes me feel sick. Thinking about it makes me feel sick. It's best if I can somehow just keep it completely out of my mind. Not an easy task.
Trying to keep myself busy/distracted helps, of course. Working on the laundry/housework is good. However, i'm really tired a lot, so i find myself on the couch or in bed checking my phone or watching tv/movies. This last round I was in bed all day Saturday or Sunday and watched Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, The Return of the Jedi, and Toy Story 1, 2, and 3. Quite a day. :)
I've also been enjoying marathon days of The Golden Girls. Yes, seriously. I actually used to watch that show when it was on, so it's kind of fun to see episodes i've seen before - nostalgia. Also, Estelle Getty's "Sophia" is hilarious.
I hate being so tired all the time.
And my hair is falling out. It's freaking me out lately. I'm only washing it 1x per week now in an effort to hold onto what's left. It is soooo thin. I used to wear ponytails all the time (all.the.time.) - but now i'm afraid it will all come out with the elastic. I got some looser ponytail holders that i'm hoping won't pull it all out (cause if you only wash 1x per week you kinda need to be able to pull it back a couple days). Anyway...we'll see how long it holds on.
Til next time...
I love The Golden Girls!!.....And so many other shows from back then. Family Ties was one of my favs!! I love you Sarah! I pray for you, your family and for strength and healing every day :)
ReplyDeleteThinking about you dear friend! Friends is always a classic and Im kind of a I love me some Big Bang Theory. Many hugs and prayers
ReplyDeleteSo funny tonight Sarah we were just taking about that iconic, Awesome show! Golden girls is great! What are you watching the series on? Also did you ever watch Designing Women? Although not as good, still fun! Hugs to you neighbor ...I’ll come veg on the couch with you for some Blanche and Dorothy with you!
ReplyDeleteSo well written but so heartbreaking. I think of you and your family frequently.
ReplyDeleteThe only words I have are that I believe the lessons your boys are learning about strength, courage, grace and determination will stay with them throughout their lives. I wish you peace.